Nanoscale Science and Engineering Our designated emphasis allows students in 10 different graduate programs to specialize in nanoscale science and engineering. Our NSF-funded IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship) provided scholarships for 30 students interested in multidisciplinary training in nanoscale science and engineering during the period extending from 2004 through 2011. Our SUPERB and URAP programs provide funding for undergraduate research in nanoscale science and engineering. UC Berkeley's collaboration with the Lawrence Hall of Science is designed to communicate the excitement of nanoscience and nanotechnology to students, teachers, and the public at large. News for 2014: SHARP is our high-school apprenticeship summer program for juniors interested in hands-on research experience. Applications are not being accepted! We are unable to offer the intenship program this summer! Please do not send in an application for summer 2014.