The Berkeley Nanosciences and Nanoengineering Institute (BNNI) is the umbrella organization for expanding and coordinating Berkeley
research and educational activities in nanoscale science and engineering. The campus has identified nanoscale science and engineering as a top priority
and has allocated seven additional faculty positions that will be recruited by interdisciplinary search committees. This is in addition to the significant number of new faculty in nanoscale science and engineering that are being recruited by departments. UC Berkeley has a number of unique strengths in
this rapidly expanding field, including:
- Over 90 faculty with active research programs in nanoscale science and engineering
- Top ranked (in top 3 or above) programs in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering and Physical Sciences -- the disciplines that provide the
foundation for nanoscale science and engineering
- A close partnership with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which is also investing heavily in nanoscience though user facilities such as the Molecular Foundry
- Participation in the vibrant "innovation ecosystem" of Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area, which means that
ideas move rapidly from the lab to the marketplace
The goals of the BNNI are to:
- Create the best possible environment for faculty and students interested in nanoscale science and engineering with 21st century
lab space and shared facilities for nanoscale imaging, characterization, synthesis and fabrication
- Serve as a catalyst for greater interdisciplinary collaboration between Berkeley faculty and students in disciplines
such as physics, chemistry, biology and engineering
- Educate the next generation of leaders in nanoscale science and engineering by creating new courses and courses of study at both the
undergraduate and graduate level
- Deepen and expand our collaborations with industry, National Labs, and government agencies
- Contribute to an informed public discussion about the ethical, environmental, economic and societal implications of nanotechnology
- Contribute to improve our quality of life and the creation of the industries of the 21st century by commercializing cutting-edge nanotechnologies
The BNNI is governed by an Executive Committee. Members of the Executive Committee for 2013-14 include:
- Co-Chair: Alex Zettl: Physics
- Co-Chair:Carolyn Bertozzi: Chemistry
- Matt Francis: Chemistry
- Kevin Healy: Materials Science and Engineering
- Ali Javey: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Joel Moore: Physics
- John Ngai: Molecular & Cell Biology
- Ting Xu: Materials Science and Engineering
- Peidong Yang: Chemistry
- Xiang Zhang: Mechanical Engineering