The Berkeley Nanotechnology Club (BNC) is an interdisciplinary club created and managed entirely by students from engineering, business, science and law.
The BNC aims to:
1. Encourage research and entrepreneurship in nanotechnology;
2. Provide an information and exchange platform for the Berkeley community;
3. Organize events featuring innovations in nanoscience and engineering.
Apart from the weekly meetings and site visits to nano companies, we organize an annual conference, the Berkeley Nanotechnology Forum, drawing approximately 500 attendees. Our Fall event, the Berkeley Nano Opportunity Challenge, is a great way for nano researchers to commercialize their technology by proposing a business plan along with business students. Past year's competition resulted in the successful creation of a nano start-up, Harmonic Devices Inc. Our ultimate aim is to strengthen Berkeley’s position as the leader in nanotechnology.
The BNC has members from across the Berkeley and surrounding community. Membership is free, and it will ensure that you are kept up-to-date with everything nano at Berkeley.